
Through the insertion of very thin needles and the use of adjunctive techniques like moxa and tuina, acupuncture unblocks and revitalizes stagnant areas in the body, like restoring a dammed body of a water to a healthy, free-flowing river system. Acupuncture can be combined with whatever Western medical modalities you are using.

Chinese Herbal Medicine

From an array of hundreds of traditional Chinese herbs, as many as 30 are selected and compounded for each patient individually, based on your Chinese medicine diagnosis. Price includes time spent researching the optimal formula for you and weighing and grinding the herbs. Herbs can address a variety of health complaints and are effective as a stand-alone treatment as well as in combination wit... Read More

From an array of hundreds of traditional Chinese herbs, as many as 30 are selected and compounded for each patient individually, based on your Chinese medicine diagnosis. Price includes time spent researching the optimal formula for you and weighing and grinding the herbs. Herbs can address a variety of health complaints and are effective as a stand-alone treatment as well as in combination with acupuncture.

I’m a licensed acupuncturist with over 20 years of apprenticeship and professional experience in Chinese medicine.

My passion is working with challenging or complex issues: injuries, chronic pain & illness, or mysterious symptoms. I developed a special interest in Japanese acupuncture after experiencing its gentle and remarkable effects first hand.

I was introduced to Chinese medicine through the practice of gongfu (Chinese martial arts) and tuina. This training remains the foundational grounding of all my work.

I’m a licensed acupuncturist with over 20 years of apprenticeship and professional experience in ... Read More

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